Description of Business
Shipping Agent Business
For both inbound and outbound ships, we take care of necessary applications to be submitted to the relevant ministries and agencies, which are required for the vessels’ entry and departure. We also arrange port calls for these ships.
At major ports in Hokkaido ― Tomakomai, Kushiro, Otaru, Ishikariwan-Shinko and Nemuro, we offer a broad range of shipping agent services to inbound and outbound, liner and tramp vessels in order to support their safe and swift arrivals and departures.

Hokurenmaru (Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen)

Berthing operation of Hokurenmaru

Meeting on cargo handling onboard vessel

Delivering shipping documents

A car carrier vessel bound for Hueneme,
U.S.,applying for port entry

A container ship (Kawasaki Kisen)

A bulk carrier for cereals (Kawasaki Kisen)